What’s awesome about CBD-infused drinks? Are you can wake up in the morning with a steamy cup of our CBD-infused coffee! Or Sit back and Relax to CBD-infused water. Let’s not forget about having our Chamomile tea right before bed. You can have Coffee to go with your breakfast and Tea after a long day of work. Come see what you have been missing out on. Stop by our new location on 9515 Q st and Take one home today!

  • CBD Ground Coffee Beans – Get rid of that regular old coffee! Start the day off right with our Very easy to make CBD coffee, You can start every morning with a steamy cup of CBD coffee.
  • Chamomile Tea – Very easy to make just pour steaming water in with the tea bag and let sit for about 5-10min. Only 7mg of CBD per tea bag makes a nice tea. Using only natural ingredients.
  • CBD Infused Water – Come grab an ice-cold bottle of our Canablu hemp-infused water! Cannablu comes from 100% pure industrial hemp and is extracted by C02.

If your interested in other CBD edibles check out our CBD gummies!

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